
Why is it important?

The Stöff community works best when users know what person is behind the screen on the other side. That is why we ask all our users to identify themselves when they register to our platform.

Phone number verification

By verifying users’ phone number, we are ensuring that the correct phone number has been registered on upon the user’s registration. We understand that it can be simpler to decide on a specific time and place to hand off rental stuff with a phone call than with a message in our website, so it is important that phone numbers are correctly entered in the system. For those users who log in with the Icelandic electronic IDs (is. rafræn skilríki), phone numbers are automatically verified by the system.

Email verification

By verifying users’ email addresses, we are ensuring that information such as new booking notifications, messages from other users, etc. will be delivered in time. We understand that all users do not make it a habit to check daily, so we send emails with this information so users can respond in time.

Identity verification

All users who use the Icelandic electronic ID (is. rafræn skilriki) when logging in to are automatically verified by the system. Users who choose to register with an email address and password must send a copy of their personal identification to in order for us to verify their identity. We do this to ensure that those who do rental business through can be confident that the person on the other side is doing business under their own name. We believe it builds trust in the sharing economy as well as trust between users.

Has rented

The system automatically marks this if a user has previously rented out stuff to another user using our platform.